Thursday, August 28, 2008
Port Forwarding for the Cisco
# Telnet to Router and enter provided username and password
# Then follow these steps to setup port forwards
# To enter Admin Mode ( will require root password )
Type enable at the prompt
# To show currently configured Interfaces ( there could be several )
Type show ip interface at the prompt.
# To show Current Port Forwards on Router
Type show ip nat translations at the prompt.
# To Enter Configuation Mode
Type configure at the prompt.
# To add Port Forwarding rules modify then type the following commands at the prompt.
# Note: "BVI1" was the found interface name from running command "show ip interface"
ip nat inside source static (TCPorUDP) (YourCompsIP) (PortToForward) interface BVI1 (PortToForward)
# To forward port 3389 TCP to the computer that had the ip address you would do the following.
ip nat inside source static tcp 3389 interface BVI1 3389
# End Configure Session
Press CTRL-Z
# Once you have entered the config, test it out and if it works,
# issue this command to make it persistent:
Sunday, August 3, 2008

NfSen is a graphical web based front end for the nfdump netflow tools.
NfSen allows you to:
Display your netflow data: Flows, Packets and Bytes using RRD (Round Robin Database).
Easily navigate through the netflow data.
Process the netflow data within the specified time span.
Create history as well as continuous profiles.
Set alerts, based on various conditions.
Write your own plugins to process netflow data on a regular interval.
Different tasks need different interfaces to your netflow data. NfSen allows you to keep all the convenient advantages of the command line using nfdump directly and gives you also a graphical overview over your netflow data.
NfSen is available at sourceforge and distributed under the BSD license.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Configuring Secure Shell on Routers and Switches Running Cisco IOS
There are four steps required to enable SSH support on an IOS router:
1. Configure the hostname command.
2. Configure the DNS domain.
3. Generate the SSH key to be used.
4. Enable SSH transport support for the virtual type terminal (vtys).
If you want to have one device act as an SSH client to the other, you can add SSH to a second device called Reed. These devices are then in a client-server arrangement, where Carter acts as the server, and Reed acts as the client. The IOS SSH client configuration on Reed is the same as required for the SSH server configuration on Carter.
!--- Step 1: Configure the hostname if you have not previously done so.
hostname carter
!--- The aaa new-model command causes the local username and password on the router
!--- to be used in the absence of other AAA statements.
aaa new-model
username cisco password 0 cisco
!--- Step 2: Configure the DNS domain of the router.
ip domain-name
!--- Step 3: Generate an SSH key to be used with SSH.
cry key generate rsa
ip ssh time-out 60
ip ssh authentication-retries 2
!--- Step 4: By default the vtys' transport is Telnet. In this case,
!--- Telnet is disabled and only SSH is supported.
line vty 0 4
transport input SSH
!--- Instead of aaa new-model, you can use the login local command.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Joomla 1.5
Joomla! is used all over the world to power everything from simple, personal homepages to complex corporate web applications. Here are just some of the ways people use our software:
- Corporate websites or portals
- Online commerce
- Small business websites
- Non-profit and organizational websites
- Government applications
- Corporate intranets and extranets
- School and church websites
- Personal or family homepages
- Community-based portals
- Magazines and newspapers
- the possibilities are limitless…
Joomla! can be used to easily manage every aspect of your website, from adding content and images to updating a product catalog or taking online reservations.
Monday, July 14, 2008

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Firefox 3.0
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