Thursday, August 28, 2008

Port Forwarding for the Cisco

# Telnet to Router and enter provided username and password
# Then follow these steps to setup port forwards

# To enter Admin Mode ( will require root password )

Type enable at the prompt

# To show currently configured Interfaces ( there could be several )

Type show ip interface at the prompt.

# To show Current Port Forwards on Router

Type show ip nat translations at the prompt.

# To Enter Configuation Mode

Type configure at the prompt.

# To add Port Forwarding rules modify then type the following commands at the prompt.
# Note: "BVI1" was the found interface name from running command "show ip interface"

ip nat inside source static (TCPorUDP) (YourCompsIP) (PortToForward) interface BVI1 (PortToForward)

# To forward port 3389 TCP to the computer that had the ip address you would do the following.

ip nat inside source static tcp 3389 interface BVI1 3389

# End Configure Session

Press CTRL-Z

# Once you have entered the config, test it out and if it works,
# issue this command to make it persistent:

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