Sunday, June 29, 2008


Compiere is changing the economics of enterprise applications by making Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) easier. Easier to acquire. Easier to implement. Easier to extend. Easier to change.
Easier, Adaptable and Affordable ERP and CRM
Compiere delivers powerful ERP and CRM capabilities that are built on an innovative Model-driven Applications platform.

Unlike traditional ERP vendors who recommend adapting your enterprise processes to match the default software settings, Compiere encourages you to customize your solution to match your business needs. The Model-driven Application Platform enables you to customize your ERP solution — quickly, easily and affordably — typically without programming.

Easier to Acquire
Compiere ERP and CRM software is easier to acquire through our unique open source business model. You are free to download, evaluate and use the open source version of Compiere without restriction. Compiere and its network of Authorized Partner provide a range of services to maximize the value of your Compiere ERP solution.

Easier to Implement
With Compiere, ERP implementation is easier because it provides both strong functionality upon software installation, and ease of customization to your business needs. What's more, Compiere provides a multitude of resources to streamline the ERP implementation process.

Easier to Extend
The Compiere Model-driven Application Platform makes it easier to expand your ERP solution to growing, changing and evolving enterprise needs

Easier to Change
Compiere is easier to change because there are no "final" decisions. Any element of the ERP system can be changed at any time without consequences in other parts of the application or to application data.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Openbravo is an open source ERP solution designed specifically for the SME (small to midsize firm). Developed in a web based environment, it includes many robust functionalities which are considered part of the extended ERP: procurement and warehouse management, project and service management, production management, and financial management.

Additionally, this same application seemlessly integrates the rest of the areas, starting with a management scope directly helping clients with its CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and BI (Business Intelligence).

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Zen Cart™

Zen Cart™, the Shopping Cart Designed for Online Merchants

Zen Cart™ truly is the art of e-commerce; free, user-friendly, open source shopping cart software. The ecommerce web site design program is being developed by group of like-minded shop owners, programmers, designers, and consultants that think ecommerce web design could be and should be done differently.

Some shopping cart "solutions" seem to be complicated programming exercises instead of responding to users' needs, Zen Cart™ puts the merchants and shoppers requirements first. Similarly, other shopping cart software programs are nearly impossible to install and use without an IT degree, Zen Cart™ can be installed and set-up by anyone with the most basic web site building and computer skills.

There are hundreds of shopping cart programs available, but none come close to offering the level of options, features and support available with Zen Cart™. Even the commercial programs have a hard time competing.

Designed with shoppers in mind.

Developers and designers love it.

A long list of features.

Strong, growing, helpful online community.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thunderbird IMAP Gmail

Note: if you're using an older version of Thunderbird, we highly recommend upgrading to version 2.0.

To set up your Thunderbird client to work with Gmail:

1. Enable IMAP in Gmail.

2. Open Thunderbird, and select Tools > Account Settings.
3. Click Add Account.
4. Select the Email account radio button and click Next. The Identity screen appears.
5. Enter your full name in the Your Name field. Enter your full Gmail email address ( in the Email Address field, and click Next.
6. Select IMAP as the type of incoming server you are using. Enter in the Incoming Server field.
7. Set the Outgoing Server to, and click Next.

8. Enter your Gmail username (including in the Incoming User Name and Outgoing User Name fields, and click Next.

9. Enter a name for your email account in the Account Name field, and click Next.
10. Verify your account information in the dialog box, and click Finish.
11. Select Server Settings from the folder list below your new account.
12. Update the Port value to 993.
13. In the Security Settings section, select SSL from the Use secure connection options.
14. Select Check for messages at startup and Automatically download new messages
15. Click Outgoing Server (SMTP) in the folder list

16. Select the (Default) entry from the list and click Edit. The SMTP Server page appears.
17. Enter as the Server Name and set the Port to 587.
18. Select User name and password and enter your Gmail username (including in the User Name field.
19. Select TLS from the Use secure connection radio buttons and click OK.
20. Click OK to save your changes and exit the Account Settings dialog.

21. Check our recommended client settings, and adjust your client's settings as needed.

* Did you click 'Save Changes' after enabling IMAP in Gmail? To ensure that Gmail can communicate with your mail client, be sure to click Save Changes on the Forwarding and POP/IMAP settings tab.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

How to convert a FAT/FAT32 to NTFS

To convert an existing FAT or FAT32 volume to NTFS, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.
  2. At the command prompt, type the following, where drive letter is the drive that you want to convert: convert drive letter: /fs:ntfsFor example, type the following command to convert drive E to NTFS: convert e: /fs:ntfs Note If the operating system is on the drive that you are converting, you will be prompted to schedule the task when you restart the computer because the conversion cannot be completed while the operating system is running. When you are prompted, click YES.
  3. When you receive the following message at the command prompt, type the volume label of the drive that you are converting, and then press ENTER:The type of the file system is FAT. Enter the current volume label for drive drive letter
  4. When the conversion to NTFS is complete, you receive the following message at the command prompt: Conversion complete
  5. Quit the command prompt.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Trixbox CE is an open telephony platform that combines the best of the open source telephony tools into one easy-to-install package. Based on an enhanced LAAMP (an open source bundle of Linux®, Apache™, Asterisk®, mySQL®, and PHP), the trixbox® dashboard provides easy to use, Web-based interfaces to setup, manage, maintain, and support a complete IP-PBX system.

  • Unlimited Extensions
  • TDM/SIP/IAX Trunks
  • Remote Extensions
  • Voicemail
  • Fax Support
  • Voicemail to Email
  • IVR Menu System
  • Ring Groups
  • Call Queues
  • Conference Rooms
  • Follow-Me
  • Time-Based Routing
  • Music On Hold
  • Paging and Intercom
  • Web Access to Voicemail
  • Admin Status Screen
  • Package Manager (for easy updates)
  • Phone Provisioning Tool
  • Network Settings Tool
  • Enhanced CDR Reports
  • Echo Cancellation - OSLEC (Open Source Line Echo Cancelation)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Recovery Password Cisco

1. Attach a terminal or PC with terminal emulation to the console port of the router.
Use these terminal settings:
¨ 9600 baud rate
¨ No parity
¨ 8 data bits
¨ 1 stop bit
¨ No flow control
Refer to these documents for information on how to cable and connect a terminal to the console port
or the AUX port:
¨ Cabling Guide for Console and AUX Ports
¨ Connecting a Terminal to the Console Port on Catalyst Switches
¨ Connect a Terminal to Catalyst 2948G−L3, 4908G−L3, and 4840G Series Switches

2. If you can access the router, type show version at the prompt, and record the configuration register setting. See Example of Password Recovery Procedure in order to view the output of a show version

Note: The configuration register is usually set to 0x2102 or 0x102. If you can no longer access the router (because of a lost login or TACACS password), you can safely assume that your configuration register is set to 0x2102.

3. Use the power switch in order to turn off the router, and then turn the router back on.
Important Notes:
* In order to simulate this step on a Cisco 6400, pull out and then plug in the Node Route
Processor (NRP) or Node Switch Processor (NSP) card.

* In order to simulate this step on a Cisco 6x00 with NI−2, pull out and then plug in the NI−2

4. Press Break on the terminal keyboard within 60 seconds of power up in order to put the router into ROMMON.
If the break sequence does not work, refer to Standard Break Key Sequence Combinations During Password Recovery for other key combinations.

5. Type confreg 0x2142 at the rommon 1> prompt in order to boot from Flash.
This step bypasses the startup configuration where the passwords are stored.

6.Type reset at the rommon 2> prompt.
The router reboots, but ignores the saved configuration.

7. Type no after each setup question, or press Ctrl−C in order to skip the initial setup procedure.

8. Type enable at the Router> prompt.
You are in enable mode and should see the Router# prompt.

9.Type configure memory or copy startup−config running−config in order to copy the nonvolatile
RAM (NVRAM) into memory.

Important: Do not type copy running−config startup−config or write. These commands erase your
startup configuration.

10. Type show running−config.
The show running−config command shows the configuration of the router. In this configuration, the shutdown command appears under all interfaces, which indicates all interfaces are currently shut
down. In addition, the passwords (enable password, enable secret, vty, console passwords) are in
either an encrypted or unencrypted format. You can reuse unencrypted passwords. You must change
encrypted passwords to a new password.

11.Type configure terminal.
The hostname(config)# prompt appears.

12. Type enable secret in order to change the enable secret password. For example: hostname(config)#enable secret cisco

13.Issue the no shutdown command on every interface that you use.
If you issue a show ip interface brief command, every interface that you want to use should display up up.

14. Type config−register . Where configuration_register_setting is
either the value you recorded in step 2 or 0x2102 .
For example: hostname(config)#config−register 0x2102

15. Press Ctrl−z or end in order to leave the configuration mode.
The hostname# prompt appears.

16. Type write memory or copy running−config startup−config in order to commit the changes.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


NetXMS is new and rapidly developing monitoring system, released under GPL2 license. It can be used for monitoring entire IT infrastructure, starting with SNMP-capable hardware (like switches and routers) and ending with applications on your servers. NetXMS is an extremely reliable and powerful monitoring system, enabling you to improve your network availability and service levels.

The system has three-tier architecture: the information is collected by monitoring agents (either our own high-performance agents or SNMP agents) and delivered to monitoring server for processing and storing. Network administrator can access collected data using Windows-based Management Console, WEB Interface or Management Console for PocketPC.

Having been designed with flexibility and scalability in mind, NetXMS features a wide range of supported platforms, leaving you the freedom of choice of platform(s) for your network. NetXMS Server, the core system, is currently available for Windows NT/2000/2003/XP, Linux, Solaris and FreeBSD. High-performance modular monitoring Agents are available for the same platforms as well as for OpenBSD, NetBSD, NetWare, HP-UX and AIX. NetXMS currently supports the following databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL and Oracle. Due to the modular structure of the system, support for other SQL databases can be added upon request in a matter of days.

Some of various NetXMS features are listed below:

* NetXMS allows monitoring network devices, servers and applications from one management server
* Configuration and access to monitoring data take place through the user-friendly and customizable Windows-based GUI
* NetXMS ability to send e-mails and SMS notifications, or execute external programs as a reaction to any event, enables you to receive warning notifications based on collected values
* Ability to organize monitored objects into hierarchical structure to represent service dependencies
* Centralized agent upgrade
* Layer 3 IP topology autodiscovery
* Portable client library
* Very flexible event processing
* Remote actions
* Flexible access control configuration


Zenoss provides a complete suite of software and services to help you succeed in monitoring your IT infrastructure. Our software provides a single, integrated solution for monitoring your entire IT infrastructure - network, servers, applications, across the full lifecycle - inventory, configuration, availability, performance, events.

Through our unique approach our goal is to overcome the common hurdles to achieving effective IT monitoring and management.



WiBro is wireless Broadband internet service, providing full mobility through open, IP based network with various types of terminals.

Carry the high speed Internet in your pocket.
Access the web, multimedia contents and whatever information you need as you move.

Background and Telecom Market Trend

- Dramatic rise of demand on (wire/wireless) Internet services in Korea.
- An efficient frequency band was sought by Industries; the government reallocated 2.3GHz, once allocated for FWA, for Portable Internet service(Dec. 2002)

- The annual growth rate of voice telecom market, both fixed and wireless, is decreasing, as time goes by; while that of data service market is increasing. Especially that of wireless market is very big. But there are some limitations of the current wireless internet equipment. First, the current mobile phone has some disadvantages such as low data rate but high charge. Second, the wireless LAN has less mobility and a narrow cell coverage of about one hundred meters.

- These factors have made a new mobile wireless internet service appear. The new mobile wireless internet service has some advanced features such as good mobility and coverage as well as higher data rate but lower charge than the existing cellular phone.


WiBro(Mobile WiMAX), 3G, and WLAN complement each other and are partially competing.

Link: Slide

Monday, June 9, 2008

Configuring NetFlow Export on an IOS Device

The following is a set of commands issued on a router to enable NetFlow version 5 on the FastEthernet 0/1 interface and export to the machine on port 9996.

router#configure terminal
router-2621(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/1
router-2621(config-if)#ip route-cache flow
router-2621(config)#ip flow-export destination 9996
router-2621(config)#ip flow-export source FastEthernet 0/1
router-2621(config)#ip flow-export version 5
router-2621(config)#ip flow-cache timeout active 1
router-2621(config)#ip flow-cache timeout inactive 15
router-2621(config)#snmp-server ifindex persist
router#show ip flow export
router#show ip cache flow


Friday, June 6, 2008

Installation DD-WRT

DD-WRT is a third party developed firmware released under the terms of the GPL for many ieee802.11a/b/g/h/n wireless routers based on a Broadcom or Atheros chip reference design.

Step 1.
Is your router supported?
You can check your router that is supported DD-WRT

Step 2. Downloading DD-WRT
Download the latest stable release from

Step 3. Upload the Firmware
1. You should be in the Web GUI of the router. Go there now.
2. Click the "Administration" tab
3. Click the "Firmware Upgrade" sub-tab.
4. (Only applicable when DD-WRT is already installed.) Click the "No reset" radio button (works for me, but please double check if "Firmware Defaults" would be better!).
5. Click the "Browse" button and select the DD-WRT .bin file you downloaded and confirmed.
6. Click the "Upgrade" button.
7. The router will take a few minutes to upload the file and flash the firmware. During this time, the power light will flash.
8. A new page will open confirming that the upload was successful (if not). Now wait about 5 minutes before clicking "Continue".
9. If flashed successfully you will now be at the DD-WRT web interface.

Step 4. Testing Login In to the Web GUI
For DD-WRT firmware, Username:
root and Password is admin.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Dynamic DNS Support for Cisco


The following example shows how to configure the update method, the maximum interval of the updates (globally), and configure the hostname on the interface:

ip ddns update method mytest

!Before entering the question mark (?) character in the add http CLI, press the control
(Ctrl) key and the v key together on your keyboard. This will allow you to enter the ?
without the software interpreting the ? as a help query.

interval maximum 1 0 0 0

interface ether1
ip ddns update hostname
ip ddns update mytest


Cisco DSL Router Configuration

!−−− Comments contain explanations and additional information.
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
vpdn enable
no vpdn logging
vpdn−group pppoe
protocol pppoe
ip subnet−zero
ip dhcp excluded−address
ip dhcp pool
interface ethernet0
no shut
ip address
ip tcp adjust−mss 1452
!−−− If the ip tcp adjust−mss 1452 command is not supported, try the
!−−− following configuration statement:
!−−− ip adjust−mss 1452
!−−− If this command is not supported in your current Cisco DSL Router software
!−−− release, either upgrade to the latest Cisco DSL Router software or follow the
!−−− procedure in Possible Required Configuration Steps on the PC.
ip nat inside
no ip directed−broadcast
interface atm0
no shut
no ip address
dsl operating−mode auto
interface atm0.1 point−to−point
no ip address
no ip directed−broadcast
no atm ilmi−keepalive
pppoe−client dial−pool−number 1
!−−− Common PVC values supported by ISPs are 0/35 or 8/35.
!−−− Confirm your PVC values with your ISP.
interface dialer1
ip address negotiated
mtu 1492
ip nat outside
encapsulation ppp
dialer pool 1
ppp chap hostname
ppp chap password
ppp pap sent−username password
ip nat inside source list 1 interface dialer1 overload
!−−− If you have a pool (a range) of public IP addresses provided
!−−− by your ISP, you can use a NAT Pool. Replace
!−−− ip nat inside source list 1 interface dialer1 overload
!−−− with the following two configuration statements:
!−−− ip nat inside source list 1 pool overload
!−−− ip nat pool
!−−− netmask
!−−− If Internet users require access to an internal server, you can
!−−− add the following static NAT configuration statement:
!−−− ip nat inside source static tcp {80 or 25}
!−−− {80 or 25} extendable
!−−− Note: TCP port 80 (HTTP/web) and TCP port 25 (SMTP/mail) are used
!−−− for this example. You can open other TCP or UDP ports, if needed.
ip classless
ip route interface dialer 1
access−list 1 permit
!−−− In this configuration, access−list 1 defines a standard access list
!−−− permitting the addresses that NAT will translate. For example, if
!−−− your private IP network was, configuring
!−−− access−list 1 permit would allow NAT to translate
!−−− packets with source addresses between and